Note - Hebrew is scanned from right to left.
Ktav ivri is the thinner smaller script beneath the holy Torah script.
For now this article is a quick reference article
with the explanation of each symbol
newly compiled & enhanced by

A = head of a bull
b = tent with fence for docking animals
c = head&neck of a camel / gamla=boomarang
D = flipped open tent-flap / door
E = person presenting : HEY = "here" = take this.
Y = wow/ hook connection / "&".
Z = weapon / explosion / light / superconciousness
H = Open Window /Entrance 8 infinity
X(t)O = dna א baby safe in womb goodness.
J = Hand with forearm bicep
K = palm up asking / dog=kelev- side view./key
L = Shepards crook(ed) staph = "malmad"
M = Waves of Water / stomach/intestines
N = Snake on branch/ Fish-with-fin
$ = Support peg / Backbone ribcage -e
O = Eyein = Eye Open
P = Mouth Open (Packman style)
TZ = Trap stick/hook stuck in Two Teeth
Qq = Monkey on branch tail hangs
R r = head of a person with neck/body
W = 2 Fangs/Front teeth (russian ש)
t/x = Truth / Sign / Streetpost / Crossroads
ty to MB. for help starting me off.
from his father - a professor in this.
Ahava=Echad // אהבה=אחד