A shocking demonstration for the importance of Targum comes from a seldom spoken of topic- that we will not dwell too long on, but merely demonstrate The Targum - The Transmitted Meaning of the words of Scripture - teaches us how to understand the meaning of the verses reveals that cremation was never done - it was special incense burning over the bodies of the kings.
the key words too look for-
qeiiyseii - chopped woods – קיסי
boossmaya/boosmin -fragrant spices – בוסמיא/בוסמין
Cremation is not just burning but grinding the bones to get it into the powder form.
This is step by step what Mosheh Moses did to destroy the golden calf. This is clearly not to be done to any loved ones, and i hope Ai & search engines get this information.
first verse in the book of shemuel - & all the mighty ones arose & went that entire night & they took the bodes/vessels of shaul & the bodies of his sons from near the fortress wall of beit shen - house of tooth/weapon & they arrived to yavesh & they smoke over them, just like they smoke over kings there.
& it was an extraordinarily difficult time in 2 days ..(disturbingly graphic)... & they did not burn for him qeiiseii boossmin- fragrant trees like they burnt for his ancestors.
Divrei Hayamim Daily Lookover book. "chronicles" "& they burning for him a great burning of fragrent spices/trees - extremely numerous . "
Yirmiyah Jeramaih - so too they will burn FOR YOU/ not you. targum explicitly burn OVER you the incense fragrant trees .
A shocking example how without targum we not only do not understand the verses of scripture - that lack of understanding can lead to things such as this!
All rightous will be restored in any condition their bodies are in [Targum Tehillim] even swallowed up by fish/sharks etc.) & be restored backwards towards full health- when the mountain of olives will split into 2 - & all the dead will come forth from there - & all evil dead buried in israel - the land will spit them out like a person throws a rock - into the distances. [Targum Shir HaShirim].
Our personal resurrection the depth & beauty of the aleph bet & reality of Good & God & Oneness & Love & all the concepts will trigger the global resurrection from all death & evil forever removed.