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Quick answers: JOY גּוי or GOY גֿוי depending on the dagesh dot in the Jimmel/Gimmel means a distinguished nation - uniquely identifiable by something. in aramaic גו is inside/ and shade/color it reveals a certain thing about them. people know who they are.

and גוי is also transmittidly interpreted as גיי gey - which means Prideful in hebrew. {!} this is to say they are proud and thusly choose to display themselves a certain way. // modern sports fans wear their teams shirts to show their "pride" in them.

AM עַם translated as Nation - is the same symbols as the word iiM/EEM עִם translated as WITH - for the nation are people who are not just physicall with you but WITH YOU your mind, your thoughts etc. Le'OOM - לאם - translated as wise nation/kingdom usually the educated of all the people. this is the wise ones of different nations / the kingdoms of different nations.


ISREAL IS CALLED A JOY/GOY MANY TIMES IN SCRIPTURE. about their stay in Egypt The Torah scribes ויהי שם לגוי - "There they became a unique disginuished nation"- identifiable.

about when God saved israel from within the egyptian matrix - לקחת לו גוי מקרב גוי -

God took a Joy/Goy from within the midst of another Joy/Goy.

It has absolutely no evil connotations !!!!!!!! as used online in every dark corner fully revealed before the Real Living God - The Infinite One Generating reality every moment.

Sadly "the goyim do not know". but hopefully the billions of people who will convert in the end times which are now, will learn new information and change their minds, and learn more and maybe even be the converts themselves on the levels of Abraham and Sarah converting in this darkest night.

The confusion for this is cleared up by the hero Milton William Cooper in his book Behold A Pale Horse page 267/500 - before reprinting "the protocols"-

The Illuminati - Secret societies who consider themselves illumined beyond others - & view others as cattle subhumans. THIS DISGUSTING CULT IS NOT AT ALL from the Torah Targum Miderush Mishnah Talmud or any source from God - as the entire system of Torah Targum Miderush Mishnah Talmud Scribal Writings was given on Sinai (Targum - Transmitted Meaning Explicitly of - Shir HaShirim - Song of Songs). the difference between the kabbalah & the cabbal -

(Kabbalah being the recieved secret tradition from Sinai.)

(Cabbal being all wisdoms manipulated for evil - conspiracies against humanity)

the kabbalist: i have wisdom this person does not have; i therefore have to have extra mercy over them & teach them should they show interest.

the cabbalist- ill-in-their-brains-illuminati: i have wisdom over this cattle - i am a god over them i can use it over them & exploit them, or worse. This is not the way of Abhraham who would teach ALL THE MEN. Sarah who would teach ALL THE WOMEN.

The Alleged Talmud quotes are the real conversation because athiest communist evil has no root in Torah but these pictures are alleging corruption in the Torah itself - xians and muslims- by these alleged "PHD"s - the most evil translations & when we expose them in upcoming articles - their evil plan will be backfiring onto them - & these lies they thought will keep the people under their evil lie religeions will be the very quotes and points & tools to convert billions of people who will hear The Light Of God uncensored by the church and islam. Poor people who always hear the lies first - smart ones should know this .

Lies created from ignoramous haters from their own ignorace and stupidity creating a new system of philosophy or interpretation & block & censor & threaten - and have no desire to even entertain the thought they are wrong. Know those who mislead the masses have no ability to repent. They should enjoy the few miserable years they have left.

We have also begun the full responses to every Talmud quote.

using the Talmud list from the fbi file on the protocols

and we have compiled various memes from many forums & are now in the process of compiling and answering -

either seperately or part of the response to

Martin Loser & His Vile Lies burning in hell for his wrechedness.

Censoring the words of God, tampering with the Sinai Transmission to all people.

Their suffering will never end from righteous perspective.

This is the end of all lie evil religeions that slander the living Torah tradition & censor & block. All evil will boomarang so hard back into its evil face that it will go all the way up its evil line & eradicate it at its source.

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