When Yaaqov speaks to Essavv he says לאדֹונִי עשו La'Ahdohni Essav - To My "Master"/Leader/Supporter Essav.
When we say "HaShem" The Name - The Name of God in Hebrew aka The Tetragrammaton The Four Symbol Word – we do not say it as it is Scribed but as we are prescribed to read it -
- as HaShem says לא כשם שאני נכתב אני נקרא – Not like my Tetragrammaton is spelled i am to be read aloud -
So The Sinai Transmission is to instead call God - Ahdohnai - which is infact a plural form of Ahdoni.!!!
Adoni = My One supporter -
Adonai - My Supporters Who are One. My Parents Who Are ONE. Biblically, "One" is "the unity of Male & Female" as in the verse in Beresheath "Genisis" Ve'Hayu LaBassar Echad - והיו לבשר אחד – & They (Man&Womenunited) will become One flesh. Only together do they create life. 2 halves, the male body half and the female body half, & together they create life.
God is reffered to in the plural for this reason
to highlight Male & Female & their complete Unity
that is why we said Adonai - My Masters - Mother & Father / Father & Mother.
but the verb is in the singular - barukh atah adonai...asher bidvaro marriv.- mixes - in the singular - pohteiiach- opens in the singluar. Because They = Male & Female Mother & Father ARE ONE. this is also the miderush on the opening verse of the Torah one of the heretics was trying to outsmart one of the sages in Scripture & say look your Torah says there are plural Gods - for Elohim - is in plural form! -
the sage responds but does it say Elohim Baroo- They in plural Created-
no - the verse says it in singular Elohim Bara- created in singular.
this is again. The Masculine & Feminien Energies that are in the Divine Form of One = The perfect unity of Male & Female that creates & Generates & Sustains & Supports Life.